Financial Help

Hey guys! As some of you may remember, this blog was the original site for the program fundraising. I have raised enough to go on the trip, but I am still significantly in debt - if you would like to contribute, please read the initial post below, and thanks so much for your interest!


Thank you to everyone who has given so far! Your generosity is an incredible answer to prayer.

Hello everyone!

My name is Bethany, and I am a student at Wheaton College. I have recently been accepted into a competitive academic program with my school known as Wheaton in the Holy Lands. (See ABOUT THE BLOG for more information).

The investment for the trip is $10,000. The money was due in installments. I am currently in debt to Wheaton for this project, and any help I could get would be great!

    I have created this page for those interested in supporting my venture this summer. I hope to avoid loans as much as possible, as my parents and I have already borrowed significantly for my normal undergraduate education. However, this a rare opportunity unlikely to manifest itself again, and I am hopeful that you would consider joining with me in raising the funds for this trip.

    If you would like to support me financially, there are two options:

    1. Write a check, made out to Bethany Clark. Then, please mail it to:

    37835 Piggott House Pl.
    Purcellville, VA 20132

    2. If you're low on time (or mailing supplies), the button above is for you! Enter your amount. If you have a PayPal account, just log in. If not, look for the "Continue" link next to the question Don't have a PayPal account? near the bottom of the page.

    The amount doesn't matter! Just ten dollars makes a difference. If you've gotten this far, consider donating ten. Or five. Or anything! :)


    Prayer Requests:
    If you cannot support me financially, I would be very encouraged if you would support me prayerfully.

    1. Praise the Lord for a new freelance writing job which will help contribute to the trip! Check it out here:
    2. $5,500 has been raised! Thank you to everyone who has contributed!
    3. So much appreciation and thanks to the Purcellville Baptist Church for their educational grant of $750!

    Please intercede on behalf of this financial endeavor, that God bring in the money for me to be able to go. Furthermore, pray that God would encourage me in faith and trust, and that His will for this summer would be clearly manifested. Please lift up the program and its participants - pray that it would be a fruitful spiritual and intellectual endeavor, and that we would honor all we encounter with the love of Christ. Finally, please pray for safety and for the softening of the hearts of the peoples of the Mediterranean.

    If you have any questions, please email me at

    Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)

    Thank you so much for your time, consideration, and help!

    - Bethany

    P.S. For the faithful who have donated since the beginning, I extend my bottomless gratitude to you once more. You all have been the bedrock of trips in the past, and I cannot thank you enough. Again, even if you cannot contribute financially, please support me prayerfully! Also, check here for some neat pictures of Togo or Ethiopia.


    The Longer Story

    I am a student at Wheaton College, majoring in International Relations. Recently, I was offered the opportunity to travel to the Middle East this summer with a team of Christian scholars with a program known as Wheaton in the Holy Lands. This program "engages in a study of the Old Testament, New Testament and early Church through classroom lecture and travel to Israel, Greece, Turkey, and Rome. In addition, through contact with leaders of non-western churches, Wheaton in the Holy Lands engages students with issues of the theological development of the Church through the centuries" (1). This summer program lasts from May 16 to July 3 for a total of nine weeks.

    Acceptance to the program is special, as the time abroad entails a challenging and extensive Biblical curriculum in a community of spiritual formation. Alongside educational pursuits, the time abroad offers the chance to engage the people and the land around the Mediterranean in issues of faith. Although this program is technically academic, its spiritual implications are boundless and important, both for the program’s participants and those with whom they come into contact. As a college student interested in the global story of Christianity and especially the spread of the Gospel, such a trip is ideal for important growth. I greatly desire to join my colleagues in this pursuit.

    However, as you may have seen above, the total cost of this program amounts to $10,000. I won't lie: I'm desperate. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance that will most likely not come around again. So, cue the famous catchphrase: I'm asking for your help.

    Since the trip is academically focused, the natural process for missions fundraising – i.e., sending mass support letters – is limited due to a lack of tax exemption. It's also a much slower process, considering the small amount of time I have to raise the money. I have created this site to offer access to information and an easy, convenient option for people who would consider donating to my trip.

    The spiritual implications of this endeavor - matched with the opportunity to interact with nationals on issues of faith - are worthy reasons for your support. Furthermore, this is an educational program which seeks to cultivate religious, sociopolitical, and cultural awareness through global experience and interaction with others. Naturally, this encourages participants to become contributing members of society vital to the growth and improvement of our world.

    Thank you so much for your time and consideration. Tell your friends by copying this link: into your Facebook status, Twitter, or just send an email to spread the word.

    (1). "Wheaton in the Holy Lands."